Sunday, July 31, 2011

Why hello again!

So I just realized I could post my Goodreads book reviews to Blogger kind of simply; the first is below.

I have been trying to read up on the diverse world of the Mediterranean Diet as it is very healthy for all of us, but especially for my partner (per science (Go Gophs!) and several of his doctors). We have the lofty goal of a no added salt, low carbohydrate, no animal fat, no red meat, low white meat, fatty fish, consistent vitamin K, low cholesterol, low sugar, high fiber, high protein, spicy, satisfying, and delicious diet.

Believe it or not, the Mediterranean region covers a lot of these bases, but I have to really read the recipes and plan to play around with herbs and peppers for flavor.

I thought I would share my search with others, first with the book reviews and later with recipe reviews. Book or other source suggestions are welcome!

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